Tornado Torus Otter Fencing Skirt (RL6/180/5) – 50m

£79.35 Ex. VAT

Tornado Torus Otter Fencing Skirt (RL6/180/5) – 50m

Otter fencing is used to restrict otters from entering specific areas. With a mesh of 100mm x 50mm, Tornado otter fence is a proven barrier.



Common Applications:

Otter Exclusion / Beavers


Otter fencing is used to restrict otters from entering specific areas – usually lakes containing valuable fish upon which otters would naturally seek to prey.

We understand that protecting fish from predatory otters is vital to the commercial success of angling lakes; Tornado Wire’s High Tensile otter fencing protects the valuable investment of expensive stock.

As otters are adept at climbing, the top 500mm should be cranked towards the outside. Otters can squeeze through surprisingly small gaps. With a mesh of 100mm x 50mm, Tornado otter fence is a proven barrier.

To help prevent Otters from digging underneath fencing, at least 500mm should be buried into the ground or turned out at ground level. To achieve this, combine the RL19/180/5 C14 with RL6/50/5 C5 as a two piece otter fence. The two nets are connected with netting clips.

Additional information

Dimensions 5000 cm

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